Group Members

Jump to staff, master and bachelor students, alumni, former students and lab visitors.


Vangelis Metsis

Lab Director - Associate professor, started Aug 2014

Bikram De

PhD student, started Aug 2023

  • MS in Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
  • BE in Computer Science and Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

Yasamin Ghahremani

PhD student, started Aug 2023

  • MS in Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology - Tehran, Iran
  • BS in Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology - Tehran, Iran

Habib Irani

PhD student, started Aug 2023

  • MS in Information Systems, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
  • BS in Physics, University of Tehran, Iran

Arshia Kermani

PhD student, started Aug 2023

  • BS in Industrial Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Michael Sakevych

PhD student, started Aug 2023

  • BS in Artificial Intelligence from Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
  • BS in Computer Science from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Master and Bachelor Students

Tristan Pedro

Undergraduate student

Jonathan Villarreal

Undergraduate student


Alex Katrompas

Role: In the IMICS Lab as a PhD student Aug 2019 to Dec 2023

  • PhD in Computer Science from Texas State University
  • MS in Computer Science from Kent State University
  • BS in Finance/Economics from PennWest Edinboro

Xiaomin Li

Role: In the IMICS Lab as a PhD student Aug 2019 to Aug 2023

  • PhD in Computer Science from Texas State University
  • BE in Computer Science from Lanzhou University, China

Lee B. Hinkle

Role: In the IMICS Lab as MS student 2015 - 2016 and as a PhD student in 2017 - 2023

  • PhD in Computer Science from Texas State University
  • MS in Computer Science from Texas State University
  • BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida

Gentry Atkinson

Role: In the IMICS Lab as a PhD student Aug 2018 to May 2023

  • PhD in Computer Science from Texas State University
  • BS in Computer Science from Texas State University

Kamrad Khoshhal Roudposhti

Role: In the IMICS Lab as a Postdoctoral Research Associate 2016 - 2017, now Assistant Professor at Islamic Azad University, Iran

  • PhD in Computer and Electrical Engineering from the University of Coimbra (Universidade de Coimbra)

Former BSc/MSc students and Visitors

Bachelor Students

(Completed an Independent Study or other research project under the supervision of Dr. Metsis)

Tyler Lynn (Fall. 2022)

Connor Scott (Spr. 2021)

Morgan Byers (Fall 2020 - Spr. 2021)

Nhan Nguyen (Fall 2021)

Jamin Rogers (Spr. 2020)

Clayton Stamper (Spr. 2020)

Shivesh Jadon (Spr. 2020)

Laura Huerta (Fall 2019 - Spr. 2020)

Benjamin Garrard (Spr. 2018)

Benjamin Munoz (Spr. 2018)

Taylor Mauldin (Spr. 2018)

Kevin Kim (Spr. 2018)

Scott Flolid (Spr. 2018)

Jessica Cruz (Spr. 2018)

Cori Grohman (Sum. 2017 - Spr. 2018)

Michael Robertson (Spr. 2017)

Miranda Sanchez (Sum. 2016)

Thomas Thomson (Spr. & Sum. 2016)

Cesar Monzon (Fall 2014 - Spr. 2015)

Master students

(Completed Master’s Thesis under the supervision of Dr. Metsis)

Mahya Saeednejad (Spr. 2020 - Spr. 2021)

Hanie Samimi (Fall 2017 - Fall 2018)

Priyank Trivedi (Fall 2016 - Fall 2018)

Patrick Ring (Spr. 2018 - Spr. 2019)

Ghadeer Alabandi (Spr. 2017 - Fall. 2017)

Lee Hinkle (Fall. 2015 - Fall. 2016)

Alakh S. Biniwale (Fall 2014 - Fall 2016)


(Supervised by Dr. Metsis in summer research camps.
REU = Research Experience for Undergraduates
HS = High School student)

Tristan Pedro (REU - Sum. 2022)

Tyler Lynn (REU - Sum. 2022)

Anderson Nguyen (REU - Sum. 2022)

Apollo Callero (REU - Sum. 2021)

Jacob Platnick (REU - Sum. 2021)

Morgan Byers (REU - Sum. 2020)

Stefan Gligorevic (REU - Sum. 2020)

Sara Bonardi (REU - Sum. 2019)

Julian Campos (REU - Sum. 2019)

Daniel Martinez (REU - Sum. 2017)

Mia Schoening (REU - Sum. 2017)

Adam Anderson (REU - Sum. 2016)

Thomas Hsiao (REU - Sum. 2016)

Steven Claggett (REU – Sum. 2015)

Hugo Espiritu (REU – Sum. 2015)

Amy Chang (HS intern - Sum. 2022)

Jorik Dammann (HS intern - Sum. 2022)

Susan Hamilton (HS intern - Sum. 2022)

Angelina Richter (HS intern - Sum. 2022)

Laura Li (HS intern - Sum. 2016)

Kevin Rao (HS intern - Sum. 2016)

David Yuan (HS intern - Sum. 2016)

Samhith Punukula (HS intern - Sum. 2015)

Emily Zhao (HS intern - Sum. 2015)

Priscilla Giner (HS intern - Sum. 2015)